Customer View

Characters to Avoid in XML Data

Posted by Canada Support Team

Apr 3, 2014 7:53:00 PM

There are five special characters that you should not use as values within your XML data. These special characters can be replaced with a string of characters known as Entity References.

The characters are the less-than and greater-than signs (because XML would not know where the elements start and finish), the apostrophe / single quote, the double-quote, and the ampersand (because the entity references start with an ampersand).

All entity references start with an ampersand and finish with a semi-colon.

The below table lists the characters and the entity references in place of those characters.

Character    Entity Reference     Description
< &lt; Less-than
> &gt; Greater-than
' &apos; Apostraphe / single quote
" &quot; Double quote
& &amp; Ampersand

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