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Linking Sales Orders to Jobs in SYSPRO

Posted by Canada Support Team

Jan 23, 2015 1:34:04 AM

If you work in any sort of make-to-order, engineer-to-order, or similar job-based work environment, linking jobs to sales orders is a useful feature that lets sales and management see the status of jobs when they are talking with customers.

This is particularly important if the customer needs changes made to an order that has already gone to production as it lets the salesperson know when it is scheduled, and how far it is into production, and make arrangements with the client and production as necessary.

Linking Sales Orders to Jobs

 Use the following procedure to link a sales order to a job.

  1. Ask your SYSPRO Administrator to ensure that in Sales Order Setup Options, in the section called “Supply request in Sales Order Entry”, that one of the appropriate options is selected to enable this feature. For example:
  2. In the Sales Order Entry screen, enter your order line as normal.
  3. When you enter an item that is not in stock, the Insufficient Stock/Back order window pops up.
  4. In the Supply to create field of the Insufficient Stock/Back order window, select Job and Accept.

 The job will be created after you save the sales order line.


After you save the order line, the Job Entry program automatically creates the job and displays the job number.


If anyone maintains the sales order, the program informs them that there are jobs attached to the order.


In the Order Line Details pane of the Sales Order Maintenance program, you can see the link to the job if the job is still in progress.


Later when you receive the job, the Job Receipts program informs you that the job is linked to a sales order.


New SYSPRO 7 Feature: Retain sales order link to completed jobs

SYSPRO 7 now gives you the option to retain the link to completed jobs even after the job has been completed. This feature was first added in Port 31. Previously, the link to the job only displayed if the job had not yet been completed.

This will allow you to see job numbers in the Sales Order Maintenance program.

Enable Retain Link to Completed Jobs

 Use the following procedure to retain the link between sales orders and completed jobs:

  1. In the Work in Progress Setup program, open the General 2 tab.
  2. In the Job Completion section of the General 2 tab, select Retain link to sales order.


Note that this only works for jobs which are completed after this setup option is switched on. Jobs that are already done will not retain this link.




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